Category Archives: Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

Types of contribution
Regular (full or research) papers
Review articles
Short Communications

Full papers should not exceed 20 printed pages, plus up to 12 figures or tables.
Short Communications should not occupy more than 5 printed pages (including figures, etc.).
There is no page limit for review articles.

Please provide email addresses and affiliation(s) of four potential reviewers along with your submission (Enter this information into the “Comments for the Editor box” in the online journal system when you are submitting your manuscript).

Recommended File Sizes
We recommend that the size of your online submission file should not exceed 2 MB. You may have problems in uploading larger files to our online Journal system. Therefore, please reduce the sizes of your pictures. If your submission file is too big, please divide it into small sections and submit extra files as suplements or you may submit larger files by e-mail.

Manuscripts organization
Before you proceed further, please download the master manuscript file here and use it as a template to prepare your submission file. Using master manuscript file as a template will expedite publication of your submission to a great extend.

A full research paper should have following components:
Name(s) of the author(s)
The address(es) and affiliations of the author(s)
The e-mail address, full telephone and fax no. of the corresponding author
Key words (indexing terms), normally 3-6 items
Material and Methods
Discussion (can be also combined into one section as Results and Discussion)

The title should be as sort as short as possible and be typed in 13-point Times New Roman.

Name(s) of the author(s)
Names should be typed in 10-point Times Roman, last names should be in CAPITAL letters.  Please provide the full names of the authors (do not abbreviate last or first names).

The address (es) and affiliations of the author(s)
The address (es) and affiliations of the author(s) should be typed in italic 8-point Times New Roman.

The e-mail address, full telephone and fax no. of the corresponding author
This information should be typed in italic 8-point Times Roman.

Please provide a clear, descriptive abstract of 150 to 400 words that summarizes the objective, material method, main results, and conclusions of the article. Abstract should be typed in 9-point Times New Roman.

Please provide 4 to 6 keywords (indexing terms).  Keywords should be given in the alphabetical order and should not repeat the words in the title.
Keywords should be typed in italic 8-point Times Roman.

Text Formatting
Manuscripts should be submitted in Word. Save your file in doc format.
Please do not turn lines numbers on.
Text should be typed in 10-point Times Roman, single spaced, and pages numbered consecutively.
Page setup-Margins: Top 3 cm; Bottom 3.5 cm; Left: 1.8 cm; Right: 1.6 cm
Adjustments of columns: Column width 8.8 cm; Space between two columns: 0.59 cm
Paragraph indents:  0.6 cm
Abbreviations should be defined at first mention.
Only internationally accepted abbreviations should be used.
Species are to be written in italics, e.g. Prunus domestica L.

Scientific style
Use internationally accepted signs and symbols (SI units) for units, e.g. t ha-1 or kg m-2.
Do not use field functions.
Please use the ‘spellchecker’ function of your word processor before submissions.
Authors, whose native language is not English, please have your manuscripts read by an English-speaking person prior to submission.

Acknowledgments of funds, people, funding organizations etc. should be placed before the reference list.


List references by the last names of the first author of each manuscript.  Always use the full names of journals. Cite references in their present language, do not try to translate. The reference list should only include works that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications (or any unpublished work) should only be mentioned in the text.

In text citations
Regeneration has been achieved from mature cotyledons of apricot (Lane 1986).
This result was later confirmed by Jones and Yan (1996).
This species had low frequencies of regeneration (Grant 1991; Tang et al. 2002; Bhagwat and Lane 2004).
Similar findings were reported by Jones et al. (1996).

Journal article
Smith JA, Jones B, Lane A, White D, Hokanson C, Grant S, 2010. Effect of TDZ on regeneration of shoots from leaves of Prunus serotina in vitro cultures. Cell and Plant Sciences 95: 633-637. doi: 10.1008/s00421-009-0965-7
Brown K, Jones J, 2009. Future of genetic transformation. Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 665: 115–119

Article by DOI
Smith JA, Jones B, 2006. Shoot organogenesis from Prunus leaves. Plant Genetics and Transgenics doi: 10.1008/s001090000065

Sami K, 2005. Factors affecting Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of plum (Prunus domestica L.). PhD Thesis, University of White Sea Academy

Online document
Wright K, 2007. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of plum (Prunus domestica L.). Academy Publishing GenomicsWeb. Accessed 16 April 2009

East H, Jackson B, 2001. Plant Diseases. Academy Science Society Publications, Chicago, IL, USA

Book chapter
White A, Kerim M, 2001. Transgenic Almonds. In: Jones J (ed) Fruit breeding, 3rd edn. Academy, Boston, pp 3430-3457


Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals in the sequence they occur.
Font size of table data should be sufficiently large to be readable.
Please use the table function, rather than spreadsheets, to produce tables.

Tables are to be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
For each table, please supply a brief and self-explanatory title.
If you use any previously published material, identify it by referring to original source at the end of the table caption.
If necessary, footnotes to tables should be given at the bottom of the table by superscript lower-case letters
(or asterisks for significance values and statistical data).

Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals in the sequence they occur.
For each figure, please supply a brief and self-explanatory legend.

Figures have to be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
Acceptable formats and resolutions: pictures: halftones 300 dpi in TIF format, colour reproductions 300 dpi in TIF-CMYK or JPG format

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